

  • 1、用英语详细介绍世界之最,带翻译。急急急!!!!!!!
  • 2、世界之最,用英文怎么翻译呢
  • 3、世界上最遥远的距离英语翻译


World Extreme heat: Basra (Iraq) record: 58.8 ℃ cold polar world: near the South Pole (East Point) Minimum records: a maximum temperature of 89.2 ℃ Area: Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon (annual temperature 107.7 ℃, Russia), the smallest annual range of temperature regions: Quito (annual temperature 0.6 ℃, Ecuador), a very wet world: 怀厄莱阿莱 (in the U.S. state of Hawaii) the annual average of 335 rain, the annual rainfall of 12,244 mm dry polar world : Atacama Desert (South America) the average annual rainfall of less than 0.1 mm, 1845 to 1936 to 91 years, the world's rain did not rain very: Cherrapunji (India), 10,841 mm of annual precipitation, 1861 up to 20,447 mm of annual precipitation on land the world's highest point: Mount Everest (elevation 8844.43 m) the lowest point of the world's land: Dead Sea (-415 m above sea level) and the world's highest mountain, on average the largest mountain ranges: the Himalaya Mountains (elevation 7000 meters above 7,000 meters above sea level peaks, including more than 50 seats) from the structure at the bottom to the top of the peak: take Nakai Ya volcano (Mauna Kea, Hawaii, elevation 4,205 meters, 5,998 meters under the sea, with a total of up to 10 , 203 m) the largest volume of earth and volcanic mountains: Mauna Loa (Hawaii Island, 4,169 meters above sea level, volcanic volume of 75,000 cubic kilometers) on earth and the highest extinct volcanoes: Mount Aconcagua ( 6,960 meters above sea level, is the West, the southern hemisphere the peak) the highest active volcano on Earth: 奥霍斯德尔 Salado Mountain (elevation 6,893 meters) the highest island mountain: Puncak Jaya (New Guinea, elevation 4,884 m) maximum land mountain ranges: the Andes (length 7,500 km) the longest undersea mountain ranges: the mid-ocean ridge (length 80,000 km) of volcanic minimum: Li Shan (Li Shan, Japan, 1 m high) the longest mountain ranges: Cordillera (1.5 million km) the largest crater: Aso mountain (circumference of 100 kilometers, Japan), the highest number of volcano eruption: Mount Etna (210 times already, Italy), the deepest and largest doline volume: Fengjie hamlet doline (China) The longest rivers: the Nile, Amazon controversial. Nile length of 6695 km, is recognized as the world's first river, but recently, from Brazil, Peru, the composition of the two countries after a long journey expedition team discovered a new source of the Amazon, the source of the Amazon made a 6800 km length, as The first river, but the controversy caused by the experts. Water flow largest rivers: the Amazon's largest plateau: Brazil Plateau (Brazil) the highest plateau: Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (China) the largest lake: Caspian's largest freshwater lake: Lake Superior's largest freshwater lake group: five of Dalian Lake (Superior Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario) most of the lakes: Lake Baikal (Russia, fresh water up to) the largest plain: the Amazon (Brazil), the largest basins: the Congo Basin (Africa) the largest Desert: Sahara Desert (Africa) the largest Peninsula: the Arabian peninsula (Asia), the largest island: Greenland (North America), the deepest trench: Mariana Trench (Pacific Ocean, -11,033 m) is the lightest sea: the Baltic Sea (Europe) (salinity is only 7 ~ 8 ‰, lower salinity in all the Gulf, only 2 ‰) most salty sea: Red Sea (north of salinity with 42 ‰, compared to the world's sea levels were much higher salinity of 35 ‰) the most shallow sea: the Sea of Azov (average 8 m) Maximum deepest sea: the Coral Sea the cleanest rivers: the Ganges (the effectiveness of water purification with automatic) Minimum sea: the Sea of Marmara (Turkey), the salt lake: Dead Sea (33.2% salinity, is located at the junction of Palestine and Jordan) the highest fresh water lake: the Lake Titicaca (Peru, Bolivia), the largest group of the longest coral reef: Great Barrier Reef (Australia), the largest river sediment concentration: the Yellow River (China) the largest hole: Gal Kyrgyz hole (99,985,403,640 square kilometers)


世界热极:巴士拉(伊拉克)最高记录:58.8℃ 世界冷极:南极点附近(东方站)最低记录:一89.2℃ 年温差最大的地区:上扬斯克和奥伊米亚康(年温差107.7℃,俄罗斯) 年温差最小的地区:基多(年温差0.6℃,厄瓜多尔) 世界湿极:怀厄莱阿莱(位于美国的夏威夷州) 每年平均有335天下雨,年降水量达12244毫米 世界干极:阿塔卡马沙漠(南美洲) 平均年降水量小于0.1毫米,1845年~1936年的91年间未曾下雨 世界雨极:乞拉朋齐(印度), 年降水量10841毫米,1861年年降水量达20447毫米 世界陆地的最高点:珠穆朗玛峰(海拔8844. 43米) 世界陆地的最低点:死海(海拔-415米) 世界上平均海拔最高且山峰最多的山脉:喜马拉雅山脉(海拔7000米以上包括海拔7000米的山峰有50多座) 从结构体底部到顶部的最高峰:冒纳凯亚火山(Mauna Kea,夏威夷岛,海拔4,205米,海下5,998米,总高达10,203米) 地球上体积最大的山及火山:冒纳罗亚火山(夏威夷岛,海拔4,169米,火山体积达75,000立方公里) 地球上最高的火山及死火山:阿空加瓜山(海拔6,960米,是西、南半球最高峰) 地球上最高的活火山:奥霍斯德尔萨拉多山(海拔6,893米) 最高的岛上山峰:查亚峰(新几内亚岛,海拔4,884米) 最长的陆上山脉:安第斯山脉(长7,500公里) 最长的海底山脉:中洋脊(长80,000公里) 最低的火山:笠山(笠山,日本,高1米) 最长的山系:科迪勒拉山系 (1.5万千米) 最大的火山口:阿苏山(周长100多千米,日本) 喷发次数最多的火山:埃特纳火山(已达210次,意大利) 最深的及容积最大的天坑:重庆奉节小寨天坑(中国) 最长的河流:尼罗河,亚马孙河有争议。尼罗河长度为6695公里,是公认的世界第一长河,但最近,由巴西,秘鲁两国组成的科考队经过长途跋涉,发现亚马孙河新源头,这个源头使得亚马孙河长度达到了6800公里,成为第一长河,但引起了专家们的争议。 水流量最大的河流:亚马孙河 最大的高原:巴西高原(巴西) 最高的高原:青藏高原(中国) 最大的湖泊:里海 最大的淡水湖:苏必利尔湖 最大的淡水湖群:五大连湖(苏必利尔湖、密歇根湖、休伦湖、伊利湖、安大略湖) 最深的湖泊:贝加尔湖(俄罗斯,淡水最多) 最大的平原:亚马逊平原(巴西) 最大的盆地:刚果盆地(非洲) 最大的沙漠:撒哈拉沙漠(非洲) 最大的半岛:阿拉伯半岛(亚洲) 最大的岛屿:格陵兰岛(北美洲) 最深的海沟:马里亚纳海沟(太平洋,-11,033米) 最淡的海:波罗的海(欧洲)(海水盐度只有7~8‰,各个海湾盐度更低,只有2‰) 最咸的海:红海(北部盐度有42‰,比起世界海水准均盐度35‰高得多) 最浅的海:亚速海(平均8米) 最大最深的海:珊瑚海 最洁净的河:恒河(水质具有自动净化的功效) 最小的海:马尔马拉海(土耳其) 最咸的湖:死海(咸度33.2%,位于巴勒斯坦和约旦的交界处) 最高的淡水湖:的的喀喀湖(秘鲁,玻利维亚) 最大最长的珊瑚礁群:大堡礁(澳大利亚) 含沙量最大的河流:黄河(中国) 最大的洞:加尔吉斯洞(9998540.364万平方千米)



The biggest in the world 世界之最大的

The best in the world 世界之最好的

The shortest in the world 世界之最矮的




The longest remote distance in the world.

